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September's Forest Finds: Rituals and Symbolic Actions

Rituals and Symbolic Actions in Chaplaincy

As chaplains we are often  relegated to a limited liturgical sphere when it comes to rituals. Traditionally, we are called on to do worship services, lead prayers, conduct baptisms and support death related ceremonies. In addition, we are the”go to” people to provide material resources and provisions for specific religions. 

BUT, many of us do so much more. This month, our Forest Finds will take a look at the concept, practice, development and content of rituals in chaplaincy. The idea of creating original rituals that are not solely focused on religiosity,  but utilize the language of everyday culture, have not been typical as chaplains assist care seekers in their search for meaning and purpose. Let’s see what we might discover together as we ask:

How can we deepen our reservoir of tools by creating rituals for individuals, families and communities that mark a moment of great importance that will resonate?  How can we craft symbolic moments that transform thoughts and beliefs into an intentional emotion generating experience?

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Chaplains Chillin
September 25, 2024
7:00 pm
8:00 pm

Group Art Activity: Controlled Breathing Waves

Join Treehouse member Rev. Dr. Tara Parrish in this relaxing art offering, creating art while practicing worry management strategies.

The Solarium
October 1, 2024
5:00 pm
6:00 pm

When Care Seekers Talk Politics: Chaplaincy and the Elections

What happens when careseekers and patients talk about politics?

Chaplain to Chaplain
October 8, 2024
8:30 pm
9:30 pm

Prison and Hospital Chaplains Chat

A prison chaplain and a hospital chaplain discuss the impact limited agency and confinement has on spiritual care and meaning making

Treehouse Guests
October 15, 2024
8:00 pm
9:00 pm

Rebecca Donley: Caring for Survivors of Domestic Abuse

We all know survivors of abuse, but how many of us have trauma-informed survivor- centered training to support careseekers?

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